As a coach, I come alongside others to help them take life and/or ministry to the next level. I help people think forward, clarify priorities, set goals, find paths and solutions, and stay focused.
What are you looking for?
Where do you want to be in 5 years?
What do you want to hear Christ say when you give an account for your life?
Are you producing disciples?
Are the people around you growing in faith and increasing in love?
Do you want to help others become Champions for Christ?
Coaching Disciples is our newest resource, designed to be a simple but highly effective tool for discipleship. Find out more about it and other resources below or scroll down to purchase.
Would you like to help others become Champions for Christ?
Coaching is a skill set that has the potential to make an eternal difference in the lives of others. In 2025 we will offer specialized skill-building workshops as a follow-up to Coaching Disciples.
Coaching the Called is for anyone who wants to help leaders.
Shepherding with Skill is designed for pastors and church leaders who want to be more effective in helping staff, teams, and others grow in faith and increase in love.
Coaching Children is for parents, educators, and children's ministry workers who want to help kids grow in grace, learn to make responsible decisions, and reach their God given potential.
Coaching for Recovery is for those who want to help others find freedom from addictions and strongholds.
Tentative dates for the workshops will be posted soon. Let us know if you are interested in attending any of these.
D52 is tool for disciple-makers who want to see lives change and Christ once again glorified through His church. It designed to:
1. get people into the Word and hearing Christ speak;
(Luke 10:38-42)
2. develop a habit of spending some time each day with Christ - listening, responding and journaling;
3. understand and see the big picture of His plan to redeem the world. (Phil.2:2; 1 Cor. 2:16) D52 is prayerfully and strategically designed to help participants understand:
· the authority of God’s word,
· the preeminence of Christ,
· the priority of His kingdom,
· the purpose of His church &
· His mandate to be disciples who make disciples.
4. experience the greenhouse dynamic of "koinonia" for growth and development through encouragement, support and accountability.
(Mt. 18:19-20; Col. 3:16)
5. become active participants in God's plan to enlarge His kingdom through His church. (Mt. 28:18-20; John 20:21)
Participants are asked to commit to approximately 30 to 40 minutes each day reading the Bible and answering a few questions, and meet with 2 to 12 people once a week for about an hour. Each small group time will consist of a discussion of the texts read during the previous week, comparing insights, along with a lot of encouragement and prayer. The discussion is guided to help each participant process the insights and instructions they have heard and seen in scripture and learn from each other.
D52 is simple. All D52 requires is 1.) a guide, 2.) one or more willing participants who have a Bible and a guide book, and 3.) a home or other suitable place to meet. Enlisting participants is as easy as “come and see”.
D52 is versatile. Whether church revitalization, church planting, or as a starting point for new converts, D52 will help people develop the disciplines and an understanding of what is necessary to become effective participants in the work of the church.
D52 is effective. God’s word is alive and powerful. Countless lives have been transformed by simply reading God’s word. (Is. 55:11 & Jer. 1:12) Good things happen at the feet of Jesus! Check out the testimonies at the end.
D52 is reproducible. Because of its simplicity, anyone who has completed D52 can facilitate a new group. This offers great potential for multiplication.
D52 is affordable. We believe that D52 can make a difference in both individual lives and churches and we do not want anyone or any church to be left out because of the cost. The guide books are only $10 each (+shipping) if you purchase 5 or more, and a free Leader's Guide is included with every first time order.
"D52 was truly life changing for me and my wife. Love D52!" - Kyle
"I absolutely and wholeheartedly recommend D52. There were distractions that presented themselves, but the victories and insights with a group of believers surpassed anything I could have ever imagined. It was unbelievable how the group fed each other and grew from week to week. This weekly practice became such an integral part of our lives, I literally grieved when it was over. - Amanda
“D52” …was life changing... Forever committed!" - Dena (and 14 months later still sold out for Christ and His Kingdom!)
"I VERY much enjoyed working through (D52) and was truly impressed with how it gently nudges the participant to see for THEMSELVES who Jesus is, what the purpose of the scriptures are and many other essential biblical precepts. I can see this being equally important for a new believer, OR someone like myself who needed to once again meditate on some of the great truths brought out in this study. I liked the simplicity of the materials; the directed reading and just a few simple questions (that were more than enough to discuss at length during group time, even with a relatively small group like ours.) - Sandra
Did Jesus' ministry look more like a stadium or a locker room?
Written for the remnant, The Locker Room challenges the reader to think "beyond the walls". Concise, easy-to-read, and includes lots of Scripture.
Click below to find out more and order your copy.
When most of us hear the word “coach” we think of sports. Maybe you immediately thought of your favorite football coach, running up and down the sideline, shouting across the field, throwing headsets on the ground, hopefully getting a Gatorade shower after a victory. Uh… no. We’re not talking about sports.
The term “coaching” is said to have originated around 1830 at Oxford University when one student helped another student prepare for and pass an exam. At that time a carriage was a vehicle which was also referred to as a coach. The student who helped another was said to have “carried” or “coached” him. It did not become associated with sports until much later.
Coaching has become a globally accepted means of helping others make progress. Most of the Fortune 500 companies around the world employ coaches because good coaches make a difference. I want to make coaching available to any ministry leader who wants help, regardless of the size of their congregation or their personal income. I coach to make a difference and I want to provide quality coaching to anyone who also wants to make a difference. In addition to coaching, I also train others to become more effective by utilizing coaching skills. I can provide references from the many I've been privileged to help and train. Contact me and let's have a conversation.
Who am I?
I am a thirty-five year veteran of ministerial leadership, leading both large and small organizations comprised of staff and volunteers. I understand the stress and frustrations of leadership. This is what led me into coaching as a means of helping others. My coaching experience goes back many years when I received coaching, but now I devote most of my time to helping others through coaching. My coaching training has come through the SEND Network of the North American Mission Board, one of the largest mission organizations in the country and through Creative Results Management through which I have completed the Coaching Mastery Certificate Program. I have many hours of coaching experience and have had the privilege of coaching leaders across the country and abroad. In my contractual relationship with the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions, I have trained a number of men and women who are now also making a difference in the lives of others.
Do you feel stuck? Plateaued? Are you tired of the status quo?
Would you like to make a difference?
Call me. I would love to help you.
The Door is a short but powerful novel written to create awareness and generate lifechanging conversations. Thanks to the Essential Project of North America, ( we are able to offer it as a free download. All we ask in return is your feedback. Conversation guides and small group discussion guides are currently in progress.
Coaching Disciples is a simple but effective platform for discipleship!!!